Monday, March 18, 2013

Top Ten Movie Countdown Blogfest

When the Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh hosts a blogfest, I have to join in! This one is quick and easy.  The Top Ten Movie Countdown Blogfest is self explanatory.  Just list your ten movie favorites!

My movie favorites will change on occasion.  You never know when a new movie will come along and blow you away.

10.) Gattaca

9.) Aliens

8.) Terminator 2: Judgment Day

7.) The Man From Earth

6.) Cloud Atlas

5.) The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

4.)  Deep Impact

3.)  The Shawshank Redemption

2.) Contact

1.) Harry Potter (the entire series)

Don't say this is a cheat, because it's a continuous story line.  So, yeah.  I'm using all eight movies as my #1 spot.  I think it works.



  1. You have a lot of cool sci-fi movies I might have to check out!

  2. Of course Harry Potter! LOL
    I have not seen a lot of these. Maybe should check them out.
    ~Naila Moon

    ~Naila Moon

  3. Good choice with Harry Potter; it's hard to nail down a favourite from the series. I still need to see Cloud Atlas too; it looks beautiful.


  4. I included all the LOTR movies into one spot and if I had put Harry Potter on the list (believe me, it just missed), I would've had to do the same.

  5. Harry Potter was on my list, too. Great choices!

  6. the day the earth stood still... loved gort. and those three words, which you should know.

    Jeremy [Retro-Z]
    Howlin' Wolf

  7. Aliens! Yes. And you certainly couldn't pick the remake of the Day the Earth Stood Still. They messed that one up a lot.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  8. Excellent list. I totally forgot about Gattaca! Good movie. I really need to see Cloud Atlas soon.

  9. Nice choices! Shawshank- such a great movie!

  10. The only movies I've seen on your list are Shawshank (excellent choice) and the Harry Potter series (also excellent). Makes me want to check out the others because you seem to have great taste!

  11. The only ones I've seen are the Harry Potter ones. I would have included them too if the list were a bit longer. :)

  12. Loving this list! I have a poster of Contact in my office. It's okay if you're jealous. :)

  13. We love Sci-fi films and Harry Potter! Great picks!

  14. great list! I love how they're all Sci Fi/Fantasy. Harry Potter rocks!

  15. I think the HP thing works too! :)

  16. I love all the Harry Potter movies <3 And i'll miss that serie! Te esperamos por nuestro espacio, si? Saludos :)

  17. Great list, forgot all about Contact, that is a really good one.

  18. I used Harry Potter as one too. I've never seen Alien, but it is on several people's lists. I might have to see it. ;)

  19. I remember when I was a teen, I was so wigged out by the Terminator flicks (and any post-apocalyptic movies) I couldn't bear to watch them. (Nothing much has changed for me, in that respect.) :-)

  20. Good choice for #1. If I had to pick my favourite HP movie it would be the Chamber of Secrets. It had the same feel as the first movie, but the acting was a bit better and the old Dumbledore was in it!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  21. I absolutely love T2 as well, and Deep Impact is one of my faves of all time - didn't mention it in this list though, pure mistaken oversight.

  22. Just dropping by from the blog hop to let you know you've got a brilliant list. I have much love for "Gattaca"
