Friday, July 10, 2015

A Silent Soliloquy Blog Tour: Day #5 and Celebrate the Small Things

First of all, I'm over at Tyrean Martinson's blog today for my blog tour.  She has a top secret file to share with you.  Just be sure to keep any secrets you might learn there to yourself, yeah?  I knew I could trust you. :)

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain.  Tonja and I are her co-hosts.

My novella A Silent Soliloquy is out there in the world.  That's something to celebrate!

My son Jude lost his first tooth on Sunday.  He also has another loose one, so it's only a matter of time before that one comes out too.

My other son Lyle got his first tick this week.  Yeah, that one isn't so much worth a celebration as a shudder.  He certainly wasn't thrilled about it if his panicked screams were any indication.  However, I managed to successfully remove the pest, and the wound where it attached is healing perfectly.  Lyle will likely never admit to how freaked out he was.  He might even tell you that he's a big boy for getting through it. I'm just glad it's over with and there were no other issues.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. We found some ticks in our raspberry patch in the backyard.

    Now we have to check the kids every time they run out to eat some raspberries. Not fun.

  2. Ticks are annoying.
    Think I've caught most of your stops this week. Go out and celebrate your book this weekend!

  3. Congratulations to the release! Ticks are a pain, but glad he survived!

  4. Glad the tick issue was resolved. Ought to be a fun story to tell.

    Congrats on the release.

  5. Tick! Yikes! They are creepy so no worries if he wasn't a big boy. Thanks for the blitz today.
    Susan Says

  6. Congrats on your release!! I enjoyed your post at Alex's and I'll stop by Tyrean's after this. Yay for Jude's lost tooth. Boo for Lyle's tick. (And I'd freak out about it too!) Have a great weekend! :)

  7. *Shudder* Ticks are horrible. Congrats on the release, and for Jude losing his first tooth :)

  8. Ah life with the little ones is never dull is it! Congrats on your new book and the tour. Happy weekend to you all.
