Saturday, April 1, 2017

A is for Apocalypse

For this year’s A to Z Challenge, I’m writing drabbles based on words I got from a random word generator.  A drabble is a short piece of fiction of exactly 100 words.



Office Memorandum

To: All Employees of the Office of Infernal Affairs

From: Your Boss the All-Powerful Evil Overlord

Date: April 1, 2017

Subject: The Upcoming Apocalypse

The apocalyptic event scheduled for 4:15 HST (Hell Standard Time) has been postponed due to budget cuts.  This decision was not made lightly.  I understand a lot of work went into planning the various natural disasters that would have brought about the doom of mankind.  Your work is appreciated. The plans will be filed away for future use.

The celebratory barbecue will still take place as scheduled.  I’ll see all of you there.


  1. LOL Cute! :D

    Vanessa @Vanessence
    #atozchallenge 2017
    My "theme" - A Thirty-Word Story #AtoZChallenge The Letter A

  2. Great idea for the A-Z. New name for Trump? The All-Powerful Evil Overlord? It covers a lot of overlords ATM. A fun read. :-)

  3. LOL. I enjoyed this a lot. Can't wait for Monday's :-)

  4. This is fantastic! A great start to the challenge :)

  5. Apocalypse seems an appropriate word for the last day of the challenge... I enjoyed your story. A random prompt, and then exactly 100 words...It's challenging!

    Name: Eva
    Blog: Mail Adventures
    #AtoZ Challenge Theme: Postcards
    Letter A: Adventurers. Because any postcard is a little adventure, isn't it?

  6. Hmm....that evil overlord sure sounds familiar. Good opening post.
    "Female Scientists Before Our Time"

  7. The Four Horsemen were holding out for more money and threw the whole thing off schedule.

    Alert, Nunavut, Santa Claus' Next-Door Neighbour

  8. I think someone misread his note. We do have a demon as president, don't we? If that isn't the beginning, I don't know what is! :)

  9. A great "A" word... The best book I've known about a delayed Apocalypse is Rob Kroese' "Mercury Falls" It is very funny.

  10. That was funny. Good use of the word.
    @DoreeWeller from
    Doree Weller’s Blog

  11. Those budget cuts really do get everywhere. I just don't want to know what's cooking on the barbecue!

  12. LMAO! Even Hell can't escape budget cuts!

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  13. I'm pretty sure everyone at some point has had a boss they've given that name to (among many other, unprintable, ones :P). Loved your take on it, can't wait to see what you come up with next!


  14. Omg that was great! Loved it. Lololololol!

  15. Hehe! Great story! :D

    Magical and Medicinal Herbs: Ash

  16. *snort* the wonders of bureaucracy :D
    Tasha's Thinkings - Shapeshifters and Werewolves
