Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Insecure Writer's Support Group: July 2013

The Insecure Writer's Support Group was created by Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh to support fellow writer's who might benefit from the encouragement of others who can relate to their writerly insecurities.  His co-hosts for this month are Mark Koopmans, Nancy S. Thompson, and Heather Gardner.

This month I've been fretting about the difficult concept of originality.  So many things have come before.  There are so many books and films out there for people to enjoy (or eviscerate as often happens) that it's a little daunting to sit down and try to come up with an original story idea.  It's impossible for any one person to know what all has been done before, so one may rehash an idea that's been done before without even realizing it.  And if you share your work with the world, someone will inevitably point that out, and they won't necessarily be nice about it.  You may also draw upon things that have inspired you, as all people are bound to do from time to time.

All you can do is write the best work you can.  You need to tell a story that captivates you and try to give it a life uniquely its own.  Remember, no one will ever write a particular story in the same way that you would.

"The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can."
-Neil Gaiman 

Others may still accuse you of not being original enough when they see elements in your writing that are similar to things they've seen before.  All you can do is stand behind your writing and try not to let those voices of criticism hurt your confidence too much.

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  1. It is nearly impossible to come up with something new, but you're right - our voice can make it unique.

  2. The basic outline was described as 'boy meets girls, they fall in love, and obstacle to the love presents itself.' Please note that is my version as I can't remember it word for word, but basically it's true. It's been done, look at fairy tales, the premise of all stories, strife, love, loss, solution maybe even happiness. So yes, write the best story you can. Even now they are taking fairy tales and expanding them to a whole other realm, but it's still the basic tale.
    And with your skill in sci fi, you have a whole other world yet to make it more special!

  3. I agree, there are no new stories but there are new writers, and therefore new ways to write old stories.

  4. Originality is a tricky one, because every story has been done before -there's no getting around it! But the same plots have been retold for thousands of years for a reason, and there are always new ways of combining ideas. The trick is to try to come up with a new twist on a classic theme!

  5. Good points. I try to put my own plot twists and take on all that I write. It helps that I have what some consider an exotic setting to work with.

  6. You, my dear, have originality in spades! Which is why I'm inviting you to be a guest writer on my blog for the Audiomachine collaboration later this month -- would love to see what you come up with:)

  7. Even with a not so new idea there is always room for originality :)

  8. Great point L.G. Sometimes I forget that and push too hard to be "original."
    - Maurice Mitchell

    The Geek Twins | Film Sketchr

  9. I think it's everyone's fear that they aren't original and there's something out there too similar already. We all have different heart and writing styles, so it can't all be the same. :)

  10. Ug, this drives me nuts. When I read a reviewer comment that they've read the same plot before and then bash a book because of just that I cringe. Show me a plot that hasn't been done a million times. It's telling it differently. Adding a new spin. Making it your own. I've read so many books that share similar elements, but the author created new characters, a different setting etc. And as much as I read, I'm sure my "original" idea isn't as original as I think :)

    Meredith’s Musings

  11. absolutely right! believe in yourself and keep trudging along!

  12. The Gaiman quote is perfect! No new stories, just new ways of telling them. I'll drink to that!

  13. Love Gaiman's quote. So true. Voice and character are what I look for in originality. There are only so many plots / ideas, but it's the character and their voice and personalities in which we find originality; they have the ability to make things happen in unique ways. ;)

  14. Yes, this is what set me to fretting last year. All you can do is tell the best possible tale as only you can tell it. (Standard disclaimers apply)

  15. I get what concerns you, but know that you've got a unique voice that's a pleasure to read. Honest.
    Some Dark Romantic
