Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Insecure Writer's Support Group: September 2016

It's the first Wednesday of the month, and you know what that means!  Let's convene another meeting of The Insecure Writer's Support Group.  Our esteemed leader Alex J. Cavanaugh has gathered another horde of minion helpers for this month: C. Lee McKenzie, Rachel Pattinson, Elizabeth Seckman, Stephanie Faris, Lori L. MacLaughlin, and Elsie Amata.

Be sure to check out the IWSG website, because today is the day they announce the theme for the next anthology contest!

This month I'm in promotion mode, because I have two books coming out at the end of the month.  The first is the third novella in the Self-Help 101 series.  Self-Help 101 or: How to Select a Costume to Help You Deal With People comes out September 27th.  This one takes place during Halloween, and it was a lot of fun to write!  I'm having a cover reveal on Tuesday, September 13th, and if you'd like to help me out, please sign up below!

I'm also doing a blog tour throughout the month of October. If you'd like to host me, please let me know in the comments and I'll get in touch soon!

The second book is an anthology called Circuits & Slippers. This book features classic fairy tales that have been retold as science fiction stories.  I'm honored to be featured alongside so many great authors.  This one comes out September 29th, and if any of you would be interested in obtaining an ARC, you can do so by following this link: 

So yeah, there's a lot going on, and I feel a bit insecure about that.  Promotion still is not my strong suit, but I'll certainly do what I can.  The great part about being in an anthology is that at least you have your fellow authors working on promotion too.  That certainly helps.

Now for the question of the month.

How do you find the time to write in your busy day?

I can say this much.  Since my kids started back to school, it's a lot easier to find the time.  Even so, the demands of daily life can still get in the way.

For me, it's all about goals and scheduling and making the most of the time I have.

I make weekly goals, and that helps keep me on track.  When I make these goals, I look at what else I need to do that week, and I think about what kind of writing goal seems reasonable. Setting unrealistic goals only discourages me, and that results in me accomplishing even less.  It's a lot easier to find the motivation when I see an achievable goal in front of me.

Each morning, I also look at what I have going on and make a daily goal accordingly.  By breaking things down into smaller, more achievable goals, I've managed to keep myself on track this year.  I'm hoping I can keep it up.

What is your insecurity this month?  How do you find time for your writing?


  1. Congratulations of your book that is coming out on September 27th, and I wish you all the energy that you need and the helpers to get the message out.
    Please count me in for a cover reveal.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat Garcia

  2. That is the bonus of an anthology - lots of people promoting it.

    I have a daily list that spans out several days in advance. Last night I was excited because I was working on Thursday. Woo-hoo!

  3. Congrats on the new book. Be my guest for both the cover reveal and the blog tour.

  4. I'm trying to decide if I have the energy to squeeze you in. (I know that sounds awful, but my book releases Nov 1 and I started with the release promo late so I'm sprinting behind the scenes.) Normally I wouldn't be posting on the 13th, but I'm in the midst of my cover reveal then, so I will be. I'm writing up the post for that day either tomorrow or Friday, so shoot me the cover and I'll see if I can fit it into the post. If not, I'll at least tweet it.

  5. An anthology and another book - you are on a roll! Don't stop to think about it. Just keep moving forward with whatever time you have.

  6. Goals are really important to me, too. If I don't make goals for myself, I have nothing to work towards, and therefore get less done. I'm also the same as you in that if I set myself a goal that is a bit too ambitious, it discourages me and I get less done too. Good luck with your promoting!

  7. I hope the books do well. Setting realistic goals is the way to get things done. Good approach.

  8. Good luck with your promos! I wish I could help, but I'm booked in September and October. I can help promote on Twitter, though. :)

    I love to make goals. I also make daily and weekly goals. :)

  9. I will do the cover reveal for you -- just send me the cover image, and I will invite you to my haunted jazz club. I am doing my own blog tour during October -- if you would like to trade guest posts, I am willing. :-)

  10. Your Self-Help 101 series is really moving along! Congrats!
    I think you are really good when it comes to time management.
    For the cover reveal, I can tweet for you on September 13th.
    Happy IWSG Day!

  11. You are on a roll, L.G. I'm booked for September, but I could do some promo in October. I have some dates booked then, too, but not all...

  12. Promotion is hard. Good luck! And goals are a great way to keep on track.

  13. Congrats on your upcoming releases! Promotion is my least favorite thing, too. Glad setting goals is working for you! Looking forward to the latest Self-Help!
