Friday, February 9, 2018

Celebrate the Small Things-February 9, 2018

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  I am her co-host.

It's been snowing a fair bit this week.  While that doesn't make me want to jump up and down in excitement, my boys love it.  They built snowmen after school yesterday and had an amazing time doing it.

Writing continues to go well for me.  I'm well on track for meeting my goals for the month, which makes me feel pretty optimistic.

I'm also celebrating Valentine's Day next week.  My husband and I don't have any big plans, but the holiday makes for a good excuse to eat chocolate, so that's enough for me!  My boys are excited for the Valentine's party they're having at school next week.  What kid isn't happy about having a school party, though?

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!  Enjoy this lovely image, which I found here and couldn't resist sharing.  It's cool, right?

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Glad they are enjoying the snow. Yeah, who doesn't enjoy a party at school?

  2. Oh, Valentine's Day was always such an event in grade school. Warm memories. I'm celebrating a new writing routine (and new-found freedom). Here's my link, in case you want to stop by:

  3. Well, at least someone is enjoying the snow. I'm waiting for it to go away.

  4. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Glad to hear the little boys are enjoying the snow. Some schools here are closed part of the week next week so kids will be wishing for more snow for sure.
