First of all, if you're hear to check out my D post for the A-Z Challenge, you can find that HERE.
It's Friday! Let's take a moment to Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!
I didn't post last Friday. It wasn't because I didn't have anything to celebrate. I actually had quite a few little things worth mentioning. It was simply a busy weekend, and I was also trying to prepare myself for the rigors of the A to Z Challenge by lying low for a few days.
Last week I would have celebrated the fact that on Thursday last week, my kids lost my glasses. Okay, that isn't the celebration-worthy bit. I was upset, but my prizes from Alex J. Cavanaugh's 2000 Follower giveaway arrived that afternoon, and that brightened what would otherwise have been a miserable day. And then later that night, I found my glasses buried deep inside one of our couches. They were dirty, but intact!
Anyway, this past weekend, busy as it was, is certainly worth mentioning for this week. My husband got his annual bonus from work, so we got to splurge a little. We bought our kids new bikes, which they needed anyway. Jude had outgrown his, and we wanted to get Lyle a new bike for his birthday (which is over a month from now, but that's beside the point). We gave Jude's old bike to our nephew, so it'll be in good hands.
We also bought Jude a telescope. His birthday is on the 6th of this month, which is only a couple days from now. He was adamant about getting a telescope, so we found him a small one. It isn't high quality or anything, but he loves it. And of course, since we were telescope shopping, I had to get myself a telescope. Mine's a bit bigger than his, and I'm enjoying it so far. I intend to use it, both for Mars when it reaches opposition on the 8th, and for the upcoming lunar eclipse on the 15th. That is, as long as the sky isn't cloudy. I always have to be prepared for that possibility.
I just made a batch of homemade oatmeal raisin cookies, and they turned out really good. I'm excited about that. It's nice to know that my baking skills are somewhat decent.
Since Jude's birthday is on Sunday, we also have birthday cake to look forward to.
What would you like to celebrate?